Year, full of lessons!

Parika Bhatli
3 min readDec 29, 2022

Hey folks, I hope the holiday season brings you lots of joy, happiness and adventures. As this year is ending, I wanted to reflect on what this year taught me and how I am still surviving. This year started with a brand new dream but got shattered very soon. It gave me PTSD and a reason not to live but little did I know. It also taught me how to live for myself and fight for what is wrong. Stand up for yourself and never let other people decide how your life should be. I was shown nightmares of being an “educated woman” in this 21st century and whatnot (I will talk in detail about this next year), but I chose my integrity above society. I decided to speak up above all the ordeals, and the best part, I chose peace over emotional abuse.

This year has seen me fall, rise, and shine because every life lesson teaches you what you are worthy of. Every chapter in life lets you choose who you want to become because that’s how life moulds you, isn’t it? We learn to unlearn and move on because life doesn’t stop, then why should we? Even the most beautiful stories have some bad chapters, and guess what? That’s okay. You’ll have storms, but you’ll find your sunshine eventually. Life can’t always suck. I always remember all those times when I thought it wouldn’t get better, but it did; these are one of those times.

Getting a massive setback in life, then PTSD entering my life and making me weak again, has been some rollercoaster ride I was on but guess what? I am recovering just fine because I can’t let myself down; I have to keep going on — tiny steps but worth it. Getting back to job life, being independent and loving myself is something I will cherish forever because these things keep me sane and make me realise what I was missing and what all I can learn and unlearn. I have been to places where at the time, it’s tricky to explain how tiring it is to act okay and always stay strong when in reality, you’re close to the edge. But that inner voice keeps you going no matter what. I am healing at my terms and my own pace, and side by side have started expecting that life has its unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes a room full of happiness or a situation full of sadness, but nothing stays, everything ends, and life carries on.

I am thankful for this year, as it showed me some brutal reality about people, places, feelings and situations. But it also showed me the courage to fight the odds and meet some unique human beings with different perspectives and ideologies. And above all, Puzo, my baby girl, shared with me some fantastic lifelong memories that I will never forget because she is the one who keeps me going and makes sure her hooman isn’t losing her shit again, haha. Ending this year by sharing what I learnt live every day, learn every day, and when you feel low, breathe and listen to your body. You’ve got to push yourself. Cheers to the life lessons this year taught, and ready to face what the next year holds for me.

Ending this blog with a self-note -

You’re not broken, sweetheart.

You’re adapting to being alone again and finding the strength within

To love yourself unconditionally.

You’ll overcome all the pain.

You’re going through… patience.

Happy new year, my fellow readers, you got this!

See you next year; lots of love, happiness, and hope your way.



Parika Bhatli

Mental Health Blogger | Depression Survivor | Trauma Survivor | Researcher | Sociologist